IoT HomeLab kit

IoT Homelab Basic kit

The IoT HomeLab Basic kit consists of two main controllers, three shields, an encoder/switch and USB cables.

  • 2 x ESP microcontrollers
  • 2 x USB cable
  • RGB LED shield
  • Temperature/Humidity shield
  • Buzzer shield
  • Button shield

IoT HomeLab Add-On kit

IoT HomeLab Add-On kit consists of 5 shields, one small RC servo motor, an Encoder/Switch module and an AC current sensor.

  • OLED Display shield
  • LED Matrix shield
  • Relay Shield
  • Sensor shield
  • Encoder/Switch
  • PIR shield
  • RC Servo motor
  • Current Sensor

Connecting Shields

Connecting shields has been made very easy by inserting the shield atop the controller. Also, it is possible to add a sensor between the controller and shield or even a buzzer shield.

en/iot_homelab_kit.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/03 10:00 (external edit)
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