IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded Overview

IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded project delivers comprehensive Internet of Things (IoT) learning and teaching materials for various stakeholders and use cases. IoT contents have been organised into modules and are available in various forms:

  • classical stationery for in-person meetings and presentations,
  • remote for self-study in mass scale (MOOCs),
  • remote for tutored study, also in blended learning model,
  • and practical, in particular with the use of the remote access laboratory.

IoT modules cover a wide range of IoT-related topics, and thus, they are logically organised for bachelors (beginners) and masters (advanced study). Modules can be used as a full course or selected, as each comprises a closed set of lectures and topics (cross-module references, however, are needed for understanding the basic concepts of IoT).

Project results are composed of 4 main pillars (intellectual results, see figure below):

  • A flexible IoT curriculum, presenting course-level organisation and individual module syllabi, is available as a PDF booklet and interactive website.
  • Classical materials for in-person meetings with students, composed of:
    • coursebook for bachelors level (hardcopy, PDF), so-called “The Blue Book”, also available online in an interactive model,
    • coursebook for masters level (hardcopy, PDF), so-called “The Green Book”, also available online in an interactive model,
    • a set of PDF and textual materials for in-class DLP presentations.
  • On-line materials for self-study and blended learning models:
    • online platform available to enrol students for self-study,
    • online raw materials (access to video recordings, learning curve documents and other materials, i.e. higher resolution images) to let anyone compose tutored courses based on these contents, tailored directly to their needs.
  • VREL NextGen - a remote access lab (selected hardware nodes available for public use) to perform real hardware experiments on a low or conceptual level.
 IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded Projects Intellectual Outputs
Figure 1: IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded Projects Intellectual Outputs
en/iot-reloaded/description.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/11 10:14 by margus
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