Module: IoT Green Design (M6)

Study level Master
ECTS credits 3
Study forms Classical, hybrid or fully online
Module aims The module aims to give an overview of sustainable design and energy-efficient solutions in IoT systems, which are implemented in Green IoT (interconnections, network architectures, communication protocols, and the energy efficiency of devices/things). Gives hands-on experience in designing and building Green IoT systems.
Pre-requirements The student has based following modules:
- Introduction to IoT
- IoT Design Methodologies
- IoT Architectures, inc. Networks
- Data Analytics
Learning outcomes After completing this module, the student:
- has an overview of Green IoT design (energy efficient design, mechanisms, computing, etc.) and sample use cases
- understands the main design criteria for the Green IoT
- knows what energy sources are used for IoT systems and how to select them
- can design and assemble green IoT system
Topics Topic - Green IoT
Green IoT design
Green IoT energy-efficient design and mechanisms
Design consideration for energy sources for IoT devices
Energy sources for IoT
Energy harvesting for IoT systems
Energy efficient computing
Green IoT design trade-offs
Green IoT Applications
Type of assessment Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation
Blended learning Along with MOOC course in hybrid mode
References to
1. Bandana Mahapatra and Anand Nayyar, “Green Internet of Things”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023, 978-1-003-20450-3.
2. Zhenyu Zhou and Zheng Chang and Haijun Liao, “Green Internet of Things (IoT): Energy Efficiency Perspective (Wireless Networks)”, Springer, 2021.
3. Ali Eslami Varjovi and Shahram Babaie, “Green Internet of Things (GIoT): Vision, applications and research challenges”, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 28 (2020) 100448, Elsevier, 2023.
4. Mohammed H. Alsharif and Abu Jahid and Anabi Hilary Kelechi and Raju Kannadasan, “Green IoT: A Review and Future Research Directions”, Symmetry, 15, 757, 2023.
5. Kuaban G. Suila, Gelenbe E, Czachórski T, Czekalski P, Tangka J. Kewir.  2023.  Modelling of the Energy Depletion Process and Battery Depletion Attacks for Battery-Powered Internet of Things (IoT) Devices. Sensors. 23(6183).
6. Kuaban G. Suila, Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Sharma S, Czekalski P.  In Press.  A Markov model for a Self-Powered Green IoT Device with State-Dependent Energy Consumption. Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES 2023),
Lab equipment Programming of the devices regarding power consumption: a laboratory node with a power meter.
Virtual lab Not applicable
MOOC course
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