
An environment for writing the code, a compiler for the corresponding language and software for uploading written programs to the controller are needed in order to program the AVR controller. The most comfortable method would be by using special integrated developing environment (IDE). The AVR microcontroller can be programmed in many different programming languages: assembler, C, C+, Pascal, Basic, etc. This instructions focus on using the C-language when programming the microcontroller. There is free software for programming AVR microcontroller for the Windows OS, the Linux OS and the Mac OS.

There exists Atmel's AVR Studio proprietary software and free open-source software like Eclipse and Code::Blocks for AVR microcontroller C-language programming.

For installation, the Robotic HomeLab development software must be downloaded for your operating system. The needed software is IDE, AVR compiler, Robotic HomeLab library, programmer driver, programming utilities and examples. Well known Eclipse and Code::Blocks IDE development environment are supported for Robotic HomeLab kit. Special package is bundled for Windows and Linux operating systems containing IDE, library, AVR plugin, programmer drivers, project templates and examples. However alternatively one can use well known AVR Studio for Windows. All software packages can be downloaded from Robotic HomeLab webpage or from original software developer webpage.

en/examples/setup.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 by
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