Related to: [HW] User Interface Module
This library contains functions to use the HomeLab alphanumeric LCD.
Initializes LCD. Parameters:
Clears the whole display. Cursor is moved to the beginning of the first line.
Clears a line on display. Cursor is moved to the beginning of cleared line. Parameters:
Moves cursor to the beginning of the first line.
Moves cursor to the desired position. Parameters.
Writes a character to the cursor position. Parameters:
Writes a string to the display starting from the position of the cursor. Parameters:
Writes a string from program memory to the display starting from the position of the cursor. Parameters
Demonstration of how to use alphanumeric LCD to display text.
#include <homelab/module/lcd_alpha.h> int main(void) { // LCD initialization. lcd_alpha_init(LCD_ALPHA_DISP_ON); // Display clearing. lcd_alpha_clear(); // Cursor to the beginning of second line. lcd_alpha_goto_xy(0, 1); // Text displaying. lcd_alpha_write_string("Hello"); }