Programming Fundamentals Raspbian OS

Installing the Raspbian OS

To install the OS system on SD card the best way is to use specially designed software which will provide SD card formatting tool.

Step 1

Download and install the SD Formatter [1] tool. Run the SD Formatter tool.

Figure 1: SD Formatter view.
Step 2

Insert the SD card into the computer SD card reader.

Step 3

Run the SD Formatter, select the drive letter for the SD card and format it.

Step 4

Simply drag and drop the extracted NOOBS OS image files from unzipped NOOBS folder onto the SD card drive. The necessary files will be transferred to the SD card.

Step 5

Gently remove SD card from the reader and push it into the Raspberry Pi SD card slot.

Step 6

Power on the Raspberry Pi board and follow its instructions.

After the board reboot the Raspbian screen displays.

Figure 2: Raspbian desktop view.
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