Arduino Programming Fundamentals

The following sub-chapters cover programming fundamentals in Arduino(C) C/C++, which complies with the most C/C++ notations and have some specific Arduino notations. Those who feel comfortable in programming will find these chapter somewhat introductory, while for these having no or little experience, it highly recommended covering this introduction. This chapter and its sub-chapters also target ESP and Raspberry Pi devices on the general level partially, however, in any case, programming environment configuration is different for every platform even, if Arduino IDE constitutes the joint part. Refer to the chapters on ESP and Raspberry Pi hardware platforms:

This manual refers to the particular version of the software (here Arduino IDE and related toolkits) available at the moment of writing of this book, thus accessing specific features may change over time along with the evolution of the platform. Please refer attached documentation (if any) and browse Internet resources to find lates guidances on how to configure development platform, when in doubt.
en/iot-open/getting_familiar_with_your_hardware_rtu_itmo_sut/arduino_and_arduino_101_intel_curie/programming_fundamentals.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 by
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