Robotic HomeLab II generation

The modules of the Robotic HomeLab are divided into different kits, allowing one to select the best option for the needs of a student or school. The simplest set is the Robotic HomeLab Basic kit including the components to carry out the basic microcontroller experiment. In addition to the microcontroller, the kit consists of a User Interface module with LCD display. Together with the Robotic HomeLab Basic kit, the Robotic HomeLab Add-On kit can be used; this includes different types of motors and sensors together with accessories and Communication module. The Robotic HomeLab Add-On kit cannot be used separately from the Robotic HomeLab Basic kit as the microcontroller is not included in the Add-On kit. In addition the RFID and Machine Vision modules are available. The Robotic HomeLab Basic kit together with the Robotic HomeLab Add-On kit are convenient to use and carry to home for the robotic experiments.

Robotic HomeLab Basic kit

Robotic HomeLab Basic kit

  • AVR ATmega2561 development board, including Ethernet, SD card reader and integrated JTAG programmer
  • User interface board (buttons, LEDs, Graphical LCD, 7-segment indicator and buzzer)
  • USB cable
  • Example exercises with C-source code (examples)
  • Software library
  • Power supply
  • Multimeter
  • Software for programming in Assembler and C language
  • Portable case

Robotic HomeLab Add-On kit

Robotic HomeLab Add-On kit

Sensor Module

  • Analogous sensor and low-pass filter combined board with on-board sensors (temperature sensor, light intensity sensor, potentiometer and mic)
  • Ultrasonic distance sensor SRF05 with cable
  • Infrared distance sensor with cable

Motor Module

  • DC motor (w/ gear and encoder)
  • RC servo motor
  • Stepper motor (bipolar or unipolar stepper)
  • Motor driver board
  • Power supply divider

Communication module

  • Communication board, 2xRS232
  • ZigBee or Bluetooth wireless unit

Robotic HomeLab additional modules

Additional modules are not packed into the cases but can be directly connected with Robotic HomeLab Communication module. Practical examples and exercises are provided for these modules.

RFID Module

  • High frequency RFID reader
  • Tag (2)
  • Cable

Machine Vision Module

  • Intelligent camera module (CMUcam3)
en/hardware/homelab/gen2.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 by
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